
Portrait of a Graduate


At Pusch Ridge Christian Academy, we begin with the end in mind. Our focus is not only on what our students are learning but also on who they are becoming.

Our Portrait of a Graduate is woven throughout our curriculum, with daily opportunities for character development in the classroom, athletics, the performing arts, and extra-curricular activities. As our students grow in knowledge and wisdom, we desire their hearts to become more like Christ, living as Servant Leaders, Courageous Christians, Truth Seekers, Justice Keepers, and Virtuous Stewards. 

Servant Leader

Servant Leaders eagerly look for opportunities to humbly serve the community, following Christ’s example of "laying down His life" for others. They seek to glorify God as they serve with integrity, letting their "'yes' be yes, and their 'no' be no." In an example of servanthood, Servant Leaders lead others in the same way, demonstrating Paul’s exhortation to "imitate me as I imitate Christ."

Courageous Christian

Courageous Christians know their God-given abilities and are confident in their identities in Christ. They have been tested through experience and they have received the mercy of Christ. Courageous Christians demonstrate perseverance and are eager to engage the world with the truth of the Gospel. Like Joshua, they are "strong and courageous" for they know "the LORD their God is with them wherever they go."

Truth Seeker

Truth Seekers understand that all truth is God’s truth, marked by beauty and goodness. They know that Christ and His truth can be found in scholarly pursuits, work, relationships, and leisure. Truth Seekers recognize the search for truth is life-long, and they humbly and joyfully choose to fellowship with God and His community in their quest. Over time, and through obedience, they are transformed and become both wise and free.

Justice Keeper

Justice Keepers pursue and advocate for justice, wisdom, temperance, and fortitude. They "hate what is evil, and hold fast to what is good," defend the defenseless, and love extravagantly, just as Christ does. Justice Keepers recognize that justice is to be balanced with mercy and so they follow the Micah Mandate: "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God."

Virtuous Steward

Virtuous Stewards recognize that all things come from and belong to God. They embrace their responsibility to fulfill the Creation Mandate given to man in Genesis: to oversee and care for all of Creation and participate in the work of its redemption. Virtuous Stewards understand that material possessions, talents, and relationships are gifts from God and that, like the steward in the Parable of the Talents, they will be called to give account for them. They use their gifts to glorify God, seeking first the Kingdom, trusting Him to "add all other things." 
The mission of Pusch Ridge Christian Academy is to teach our students to become like Christ through a classical, Christian education within a covenantal community.

Grammar Campus (grades K-5)

6450 N Camino Miraval, Tucson AZ 85718
P: 520.529.7080  F: 520.529.7140
School office hours: 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM

Upper Campus (grades 6-12)

9500 N Oracle Road, Tucson AZ 85704
P: 520.797.0107  F: 520.797.0598
School office hours: 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM

South Campus (grades K-2)

5951 S 12th Ave, Tucson AZ 85706
P: 520.413.7945  F: 520.467.3894
School office hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM